About Us

A brief history about the company, and our plans for the future.

With over 35 years in thermal imaging technology, IIS is on the forefront of infrared and optical monitoring innovations - our state-of-the-art wireless cameras provide 24/7 real-time alarming, monitoring, and reporting to your laptop, PC, tablet, or smart phone. Follow our journey, as our team researches, develops, and advocates monitoring systems to promote safety in all industries.

IIS puts the customers first. We will work with you to build a robust all-in-one solution, and beyond optional short or long-term maintainance and upkeep costs, once you buy it you own it - no strings attached. From scopes as small as circuit component monitoring to full-scale grid safety and security systems, our team looks forward to solving your thermal monitoring needs.

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Privacy Policy
We respect your privacy. To this end our company does not utilize any data-harvesting business models. We strive to provide you with a clean and secure experience on our websites so you don't have to worry about where your personal information will end up. Any information you provide us while interacting with our website or making a purchase will not be sold to third parties and is gathered solely for our record keeping. If you have any questions or concerns regarding how we handle your information please do not hesitate to contact us through our website, email us at sales@iisales.com, or give us a call at (866)-451-2257.

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